I learned this word from George on Top Shot.
Gah. Today was rough, foodwise. It started with Reese's Easter Eggs on sale. Then it turned into wine. Then a few brownies.
I got my adult coloring books, which I should have used today, instead of the food. I was looking for something to procrastinate this project I'm unsure about. It will probably turn out just fine, but it's still up in the air. I need to really think thru how it's going to work, and apparently when I need to think something like that thru, or procrastinate an unknown, I eat.
The wine was with dinner (which was healthy, delicious, and on the grill!) and did not do good things for me. I like to eat when I'm drinking to offset how loopy I get so quickly. I'm not sure if I need to hide all food from my view or work up my alcohol tolerance! :D It's a good thing I don't really do it often.
My tummy hurts and I'm sleepy now. Some sort of food & wine coma is coming on. My tummy has hurt a lot lately after eating. I need to pay better attention to what I eat and how I feel afterwards, because I suspect something I'm eating isn't agreeing with me.
This scattered post brought to you be Catawba Rose wine from Huber Winery. Mmmmmm.
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