Oh man, it's nice to feel like a real person again. I am nowhere near 100% yet, but I'm about 800% better than I was on Wednesday & Thursday. I am hoping for a super easy, slow, short run tomorrow. I was scheduled to teach a 90 min Spin class, but I got a sub because I am not sure that is a good idea just yet. I'm hopeful I can swing something short & easy. I need to workout. Now that I feel better, I can feel that pent up energy starting to bubble up to the surface. I will need to vent it before I bounce around the house annoying my husband and cats all weekend!
So today, I was VERY VERY tempted to say "F*ck it" and grab dinner on the way home from work. The hubs and I even discussed it, but we decided to stick to our guns, and go home to eat dinner. I knew I had a pork loin in the fridge, and I was going to make twice baked potatoes to go with it. So we went home, and I washed the taters, tossed them in the toaster over to bake, and went about my bidness. About an hour later, about when I thought I'd put the pork in the oven (not an innuendo, this time ;) I decided to stick a fork in the taters to see if they were getting close to baked. Well, imagine my surprise when I realized the toaster oven was NOT EVEN ON.
I swore a bit... Just a teeny bit, because my 10 and 8 year old nieces were here at that exact moment, and I try not to be the one that teaches them new swear words. Then I turned the damn toaster oven on and moved dinner back another hour. So hungeeeeee!!!
Anyway, an hour later, I really did put the pork in the oven (for reals, yo, get your mind out of the gutter) and whipped up the twice baked taters. I didn't have any greek yogurt (well, not any plain greek yogurt, and for some reason strawberry didn't seem like it would really go with taters), so I tossed in a little yogurt butter, garlic, a squirt of ranch dressing, salt 'n peppa, and some goat cheese. I smooshed it all up with the innards of the taters and then refilled the tater skins. I then sprinkled shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese. Back in the toaster oven they went, while the pork cooked. Mmmmmmm...
This dinner was Deeee-Lish-us! Seriously, it's ridiculous how good it was, and how easy. I need to remember this come February when I don't have the Eat In Challenge keeping me away from Chik Fil A.
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